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Careful reading is recommended. Legal terms and conditions that you accept and agree to by visiting this Site (defined below) govern your access to and use of it.

The content on the website is made available to the online community as information. This Site's owner (the Company, the Platform, Website), along with its directors, agents, staff, and affiliates, disclaim all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect effects of any actions or inactions you take in reliance on the information provided on or in connection with the materials referenced on this site or downloaded from  the website.

The only purposes for which we distribute and post information on the Site are informational and promotional. The business is delighted to share what it has discovered and developed about entrepreneurship, branding and operating an online business with you.

The information supplied by or on this site is offered solely for promotional or informational purposes and should not be taken as any kind of professional opinion, as is discussed below. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that you do so at your own risk and accept responsibility for any consequences of doing so.

A legally binding agreement ("Agreement") is made between you and the owner(s) of this platform by the terms and conditions listed below.

When you visit, use, or interact with this site (collectively, "using" or "visiting"), this Agreement becomes operative right away. The user agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, which are effective as long as the user uses the website's services.

This Agreement may be updated, modified, amended, supplemented, or replaced at any time by the Company. Any modifications to this Agreement will be posted on our website and, unless otherwise specified, shall take effect when they are posted. You have agreed to abide by the modified terms of use if you continue to use this site after they have been updated.

You must be eighteen years of age or older—more than the age of majority—and be able to enter into this Agreement in order to use or access our website and services.

The exclusive use of this website's services by all users and visitors must be legal. By using our website, material, goods, downloads and other services, you promise to use them solely for legal, non-commercial purposes ie: for your non-compete business only. By using our website, you agree not to transmit any content that violates the rights of ours or third parties, which is in competition, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, intrusive, supports criminal or unlawful activity, gives rise to civil liability, or otherwise breaks the law.

Please be aware that we do not provide refunds owing to the digital nature of our business and all types of purchases. Before buying, using, or gaining access to any of our products, digital downloads, or PDFs, customers are required to thoroughly read our terms and conditions.

Client hereby releases Company and its directors, agents, employees, and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses (including legal fees), and damages arising out of claims resulting or arising from Client's use of the Site and/or Program. This release is a requirement of your use of the Site and/or Program. Even if Company has been informed verbally or in writing of the possibility of such damage, platform, website, the company, or any of its agents shall in no event be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials or content on the Site and/or Program.

By participating in or using our free or paid services, Customer agrees that neither the platform, website, nor the firm are responsible for any personal or professional injuries that may result from Customer's acts, omissions, or decisions.

Links to other websites may be found on this website. Links to other websites, resources, and pages are not maintained or controlled by the company. Company disclaims all liability for any losses or damages you may have as a result of using any such website, as well as for the information on any associated websites. Company disclaims responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions found on such websites. These connections are provided by the Company to help you utilise information more effectively, communicate with the Company and owner on other platforms, and assist the company in providing the most user-friendly services to the client and carrying out transactions.

The confidential information that is part of each digital product on this platform, website, or business is something we take great pride in. Therefore, client understands and accepts that all Secret Information shared through our service is private, confidential, and solely owned by the Company.

Among other things, "Confidential Information" also refers to:

Any trade secrets in relation to the Digital Product Guide/Program or the Company's business operations; Any systems, sequences, processes, or steps communicated with the Client; Any information disclosed in conjunction with this Agreement.

We also consent to safeguarding the client's personally identifiable data. However, occasionally, as part of Company's marketing plan, Company may use generic claims regarding Client inputs or success as testimonials. By accepting these Terms, the client accepts that the company may, at its sole discretion, use the client's feedback or success stories as testimonials in any manner and across any media.

Client agrees to allow Company to use any testimonials in our marketing materials and/or promotional efforts by downloading digital Product or enrolling in the Program. Unofficial endorsements, compliments expressed through Instagram stories, tweets, pins, public postings or posts made in our Facebook groups, and direct messaging with the Company and/or Owner are all examples of this, without limitation. You acknowledge that all confidentiality restrictions apply and that testimonials are the only exemption to our confidentiality responsibilities. The company will obfuscate last names on any screenshots utilised.

Client agrees to refrain from saying anything untrue, harmful, or otherwise detrimental to the Company's Product, business, services, goods, or reputation during and/or after using the Digital Product, whether verbally or in writing.

Regardless of the payment method the client chooses at checkout, the client undertakes to pay the company the entire purchase price for the Product upon execution of this Agreement.

Client does not need to give separate consent for each payment; rather, Client permits us to automatically charge the credit card or account (including PayPal accounts) used at checkout to make all payments in accordance with the payment plan Client chose at checkout.

Without the Company's prior written approval, the Client shall not threaten or make any chargebacks to the platform, website, or the company's account, or cancel the credit card and/or payment account (such as PayPal) that is provided as security.

If the client decides to use PayPal or Wix to make their payment, they are not permitted to unilaterally reverse the transaction or ask for a refund using PayPal. Client will be immediately withdrawn from the program or flagged and blocked from any upcoming offers by Company if Company receives a notification from PayPal or Wix Payment that Client cancels its PayPal payment or Wix payment.

We will not be responsible for paying any foreign fees or additional costs that are beyond our control, such as exchange rates, VAT, local taxes, or other fees imposed by the client's bank for forged transactions.

The agreement between you and the platform, website, or the company regarding your use of this Site and/or digital product supersedes all prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written), claims, representations, and understandings of the parties with respect to such subject matter. These terms and conditions, along with any other legal notices, policies, and guidelines of the Company linked to these terms and conditions or contained on this Site, constitute the entire agreement between you and the platform, website, or the company.

The client understands and agrees that the maximum amount of damages that the client may be entitled to in any claim related to this agreement or digital product shall not exceed the total price of the digital product that the client has paid for.

Customer selects and confirms "I agree to the Terms & Conditions" at the Product checkout page and by making the first payment, indicating that Customer accepts the above Agreement in its entirety.

We reserve the right to sometimes change this Agreement. Any modifications made following their posting on our website are binding on you. 
Restricted Rights - We reserve all rights that are not expressly given in this Agreement.
We appreciate you taking the time to visit our website.



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