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Wheaties "The Breakfast of Champions" Campaign

Targeting - Sports enthusiasts, athletes

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Associating Wheaties with achievement and athleticism

About the

Iconic cereal promotion featuring sports champions

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Showcasing famous athletes on Wheaties cereal boxes

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

Wheaties' "The Breakfast of Champions" campaign is one of the most iconic and enduring advertising campaigns in the history of breakfast cereals. Wheaties, a brand of General Mills, is known for its whole wheat cereal flakes and has used the "Breakfast of Champions" slogan for many years to promote its product. Here's an overview of this famous campaign:

Origins: The "Breakfast of Champions" slogan was first introduced in 1927. The campaign was designed to position Wheaties as a nutritious and wholesome breakfast option for athletes and anyone looking for a healthy start to the day.

Celebrity Endorsements: One of the hallmarks of the Wheaties campaign is its use of celebrity endorsements. Over the years, numerous athletes from various sports have appeared on Wheaties box covers. These athletes are typically individuals who have achieved excellence in their respective sports. Featuring these athletes on the cereal boxes not only promoted the product but also associated it with the idea of champions.

Cultural Impact: The "Breakfast of Champions" campaign became deeply ingrained in American culture. It not only promoted Wheaties as a cereal but also created a connection between sports and breakfast. The slogan reinforced the idea that starting the day with a healthy breakfast could set the stage for success, just like champions do.

Diverse Endorsements: While initially focused on athletes, Wheaties expanded its endorsements to include a wide range of public figures, including actors, musicians, and other notable individuals who were considered champions in their fields.

Longevity: The campaign's longevity is a testament to its success. It has continued for decades, making it one of the longest-running advertising campaigns in history.

Variations: Wheaties has occasionally introduced variations of the "Breakfast of Champions" campaign to keep it fresh and relevant. For example, they've highlighted the stories and achievements of different athletes and champions over the years.

Collectible Boxes: Many Wheaties boxes featuring athletes and champions have become collector's items, and some are highly sought after by collectors.

While the specific athletes and champions featured on Wheaties boxes have varied over time, the "Breakfast of Champions" slogan remains a core part of the brand's identity. It conveys the idea that choosing Wheaties for breakfast can help individuals start their day on a winning note, much like champions in sports and life.

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