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Swiffer - When Dad's Clean

Targeting - Families and individuals who value gender equality and appreciate brands that challenge gender stereotypes.

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Swiffer's "When Dad's Clean" campaign challenges the traditional notion that household cleaning tasks are solely the responsibility of women, promoting a more equal and inclusive approach to household chores.

About the

Swiffer's "When Dad's Clean" campaign challenges stereotypical gender roles by showcasing fathers embracing household cleaning tasks with the help of Swiffer's cleaning products.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

The campaign highlights the importance of inclusivity and breaking gender stereotypes by portraying fathers as capable and active participants in maintaining a clean home.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

1. Swiffer's "When Dad's Clean" campaign aims to challenge the existing gender norms and stereotypes associated with household cleaning, demonstrating that cleaning tasks equally shared among family members.

2. The campaign features real-life dads confidently taking on various cleaning tasks in their homes, using Swiffer products to make the process easier and more enjoyable.

3. By showcasing fathers as engaged and capable cleaners, the campaign seeks to empower and inspire other dads to take an active role in maintaining a clean and tidy home environment.

4. Swiffer's cleaning products are strategically showcased as practical and effective tools that enable dads to achieve clean, dust-free surfaces effortlessly.

5. The campaign emphasizes the importance of encouraging equality within the household and breaking away from the traditional division of household chores based on gender roles.

6. Swiffer's messaging highlights the positive impact on family dynamics when cleaning responsibilities are shared equally, promoting a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

7. Through the campaign, Swiffer aims to contribute to the broader conversation around gender equality, challenging societal norms and encouraging a shift towards a more equitable division of labor within homes.

8. "When Dad's Clean" evokes a sense of relatability and authenticity by featuring real fathers in relatable domestic settings, making Swiffer's products and message resonate with a diverse audience.

9. The campaign aims to dispel the notion that cleaning is solely a "female" responsibility and invites everyone, regardless of gender, to participate in maintaining a clean and comfortable living space.

10. Ultimately, Swiffer's "When Dad's Clean" campaign celebrates the modern family and encourages a more inclusive and egalitarian approach to household cleanliness, fostering a sense of unity, and promoting equality within the home.

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A. The comprehensive breakdown & precise elements that led to the campaign’s success

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This shall be alongside an extensive compendium of these insights for more than 1600 additional successful campaigns. 
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