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Burger King's "Whopper Neutrality"

Targeting - Internet users, those interested in net neutrality.

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Combines advocacy with fast food marketing.

About the

Raises awareness of net neutrality through a satirical video featuring Whoppers.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Addresses a timely and important issue using satire and humor.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

"Whopper Neutrality" was a marketing campaign launched by Burger King in 2018. The campaign aimed to raise awareness and engage in a humorous and creative way with the concept of net neutrality, which was a significant topic of discussion and debate at the time. Here's an explanation of Burger King's "Whopper Neutrality" campaign:

1. Context: Net neutrality was a hotly debated topic in the United States in 2017 and 2018. It revolved around the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally, without favoring or throttling access to specific websites or services by internet service providers.

2. Creative Approach: Burger King took a creative approach to explain the concept of net neutrality by relating it to their signature product, the Whopper burger.

3. Video Ad: The campaign included a video advertisement where Burger King patrons were asked to choose between two options: paying a higher price for a Whopper to have it delivered quickly, or paying the regular price but waiting a longer time. This was presented as a humorous and exaggerated analogy to internet fast lanes and net neutrality.

4. Education and Awareness: The video aimed to educate viewers about the potential consequences of eliminating net neutrality, such as the creation of internet "fast lanes" that could prioritize certain online content over others.

5. Social Experiment: The campaign also included real-life experiments at Burger King restaurants where customers were confronted with the pricing choices, sparking discussions about the importance of a neutral internet.

6. Humor and Engagement: Burger King used humor and satire to engage with a serious topic, making it more accessible and shareable on social media.

7. Public Relations: "Whopper Neutrality" generated significant media coverage and discussions in the press and on social media platforms, drawing attention to the net neutrality debate.

8. Advocacy: While the campaign was primarily a marketing effort, it indirectly supported the idea of net neutrality by encouraging viewers to consider the importance of a neutral and open internet.

9. Temporary and Promotional: It's important to note that "Whopper Neutrality" was a temporary and promotional campaign designed to raise awareness rather than a long-term corporate stance on net neutrality.

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