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"Skittles Commercial: The Broadway Musical"

Targeting - Theater enthusiasts, those seeking humor.

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Combines humor and musical theater for an unforgettable ad.

About the

Presents Skittles advertising as a live Broadway musical experience.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Takes a unique and entertaining approach to advertising Skittles.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

The Skittles "Skittles Commercial: The Broadway Musical" campaign is a unique and unconventional marketing initiative by Skittles, the popular candy brand. Launched in 2019, this campaign took an entirely new approach to advertising by creating a live, one-time-only musical performance that replaced a traditional Super Bowl commercial.

Here are the key details about the Skittles "Skittles Commercial: The Broadway Musical" campaign:

1. Concept: The central concept of the campaign was to parody the traditional Super Bowl ad hype and instead create a Broadway-style musical performance that celebrated the absurdity and creativity associated with Skittles advertising.

2. Live Performance: The campaign took place on Super Bowl Sunday, typically a time when advertisers release highly anticipated commercials. Instead of a TV spot, Skittles staged a live musical in New York City and invited a live audience to attend.

3. Star-Studded Cast: The musical featured a star-studded cast, including actor Michael C. Hall, known for his roles in "Dexter" and "Six Feet Under."

4. Songs and Humor: The musical included humorous songs and scenarios that played on the brand's quirky and whimsical image. It featured over-the-top characters and surreal situations.

5. Anti-Advertising: The campaign parodied the commercialization of the Super Bowl and the pressure on advertisers to create memorable ads for the big game.

6. Limited Access: Tickets to attend the live performance were limited, making it an exclusive event.

7. Streaming and Promotion: While not a traditional TV commercial, the musical was live-streamed online for a broader audience to watch, and Skittles promoted the event through social media.

8. Engagement and Conversation: The campaign generated significant buzz and discussion, both for its novelty and its break from traditional advertising norms.

9. Brand Message: The "Skittles Commercial: The Broadway Musical" campaign reinforced Skittles' brand message of being a fun and unconventional candy brand.

10. Awards and Recognition: The campaign received awards and accolades in the advertising industry for its unique approach to advertising.

The Skittles Broadway Musical campaign was a bold departure from traditional advertising, demonstrating how a brand can engage its audience through creativity, humor, and the element of surprise. It succeeded in generating buzz and conversation while entertaining consumers in a completely unexpected way.

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An exhaustive analysis we have garnered elucidating the following 3 studies -

A. The comprehensive breakdown & precise elements that led to the campaign’s success

B. Intricate details behind the campaign to ensure you don't miss any valuable insights we've uncovered

C. Components required to execute a similar campaign or a campaign of equivalent magnitude at your scale
This shall be alongside an extensive compendium of these insights for more than 1600 additional successful campaigns. 
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